
Welcome to the Team Lion Website. Our project was to highlight the Work Ethic Character. Character traits are all the aspects of a person’s behavior and attitudes that make up that person’s personality.
Everyone has character traits, both good and bad. Character traits are often shown with descriptive adjectives, like patience, unfaithfulness, or jealous. Which are negative.

The old expression that actions speak louder than words is very true when it comes to character traits. You learn about who people are and what their character traits are by watching how they interact with the world and paying attention to how they treat you and interact with you.

There are literally countless character traits that you can identify in others, and that you can identify in yourself. Some character traits have to do with your underlying values or beliefs. Some examples of these types of character traits include:
Honesty, Loyalty, Loving Kindness, Sincerity and Patience.

These are only a few of a list of many Character Traits a person may have.

The goal is to aim in being the best person you can be and Character should be a good quality of your personality.